Nimm mich mit auf eine Reise in andere Länder, fremde Kulturen, lass mich die Luft einatmen, die Düfte riechen. Lass mich teilhaben an den Geschichten, lass mich mit den Menschen lachen, um sie weinen, ihnen auf ihrem Weg folgen. Denn nur mit einem Buch in der Hand, können wir der Realitat für einen kurzen Moment entfliehen und uns in einer anderen Welt verlieren.
Es gibt kaum einen Schlüssel zum Glück. Glück ist nicht greifbar, Glück kann man kaum in Worte fassen. Jeder Mensch hat eine andere Auffassung von Glück.
Brett ist fassungslos. Wie kann sich ihre Mutter so in ihr Leben einmischen? Ein Pferd kaufen?? Ein Baby bekommen?? Lehrerin werden?? Live auf einer Bühne auftreten?? Das kann alles gar nicht wahr sein. Doch Brett hat keine andere Wahl als die Liste in Angriff zu nehmen.
Das Buch ist eine wundervolle Geschichte über Glück, Liebe, Familie und Freundschaft. Es regt zum Nachdenken an, ist auf seine ganze eigene Weise auch sehr inspirierend. Man beginnt sich Gedanken über das eigene Leben zu machen. Was waren meine Träume als ich noch ein kleines Mädchen war? Hab ich mir mein Leben so vorgestellt?
Ich hab das Buch in ein paar Tagen verschlungen. Es bleibt wirklich von Seite eins an spannend. Kaum war ich mit dem Buch fertig, hab ich es einer Freundin weitergegeben und sie hat es ebenfalls in drei Tagen durchgelesen. Da muss also was dran sein ;)
Jetzt bin ich aber doch ein wenig traurig, dass das Buch schon wieder fertig ist. Kennt ihr das, wenn ihr über Tage ein Buch lest, völlig in der Geschichte versinkt und dann zack - das Buch ist einfach fertig!! Das kann doch nicht sein! Dann brauche ich immer eine kleine Pause, um das Buch und die Geschichte zu verdauen. Ich kann nicht einfach ein neues Buch beginnen. Das ist wie mit dem Schlussmachen. Zwei Tage danach ist mir einfach noch nicht nach einer neuen Beziehung.
Soo, nun bin ich gespannt, was ihr über das Buch denkt. Wer hat es ebenfalls schon gelesen? Wer mag es? Wer mag es nicht? Falls ihr es noch nicht gelesen habt, unbedingt, einfach sofort kaufen!!
Kennt ihr ähnliche Bücher? Lasst es mich wissen! Für mich ist eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zu den Cecelia Ahern Büchern zu erkennen. Die sind übrigens auch sehr zu empfehlen, aber dazu ein anderes Mal!
Habt eine gute Woche!

There is no key for luck. You can't touch luck, you can't describe luck. Luck is something that differs from person to person and being lucky is one of the biggest challenges in life. Everybody is pursuing happiness without even knowing what it exactly is.
Brett is the marketing boss of her family's huge business. She has a boyfriend and a lot of friends. She is a good looking woman and has everything that you need. Brett has to be completely happy. That's what she thinks. But that's not what her mother thinks. In her will she challenges her daughter to become happy. She adds a list which Brett wrote when she was 14. It's list with 20 dreams of a little girl. 20 years after, Brett can hardly remember the list she wrote when she was young. Her mother tells her in her will to let all these dreams become true - even not, she won't get her heritage.
Brett is unbelievably upset. How can her mother do that? Buying a horse?? Get a baby?? Become a teacher?? That's not Brett, that's the young girl with silly dreams and no idea of the real world. But Brett has no choice.
The book "The life list" is a wonderful story about luck, love, happiness, family and friendship. It is inspiring and makes you think about your own life. What were my dreams when I was a young girl? Is that the life that I was dreaming of?
I read the day in just a couple of days, I couldn't stop reading. As soon as I finished the book, I handed it over to a friend and she just told me that she had the same. So if you start page one, you can't stop until you reach the end. Just let me tell you that!
Now, I'm a little sad that the book is over. Do you know that feeling when you read a book for days, you're getting a part of the story, you suffer with the characters and then - it's just finished!! That's not fair! After finishing a book, I always need a little break. It's like after a breaking-up, I don't feel like having a new relationship right away.
Okay, now I'm curious what you think about the book. Did you already read it? Did you like it or hate it? If you didn't read it so far, what are you doing here? Go to the shop right now, do get that wonderful book! :) Can you think of any book that is similar to this one? Let me know about that! For me they are a little similar to the Cecelia Ahern books.
Have a wonderful week!

Take me on a journey to new countries, other cultures, let me smell the flavors, hear the different noises. Let me be part of the story, let me laugh with the people, cry with them, follow their path through life. Just with a book in my hand, I can escape the reality for a little bit and get lost in another world.
There is no key for luck. You can't touch luck, you can't describe luck. Luck is something that differs from person to person and being lucky is one of the biggest challenges in life. Everybody is pursuing happiness without even knowing what it exactly is.
Brett is unbelievably upset. How can her mother do that? Buying a horse?? Get a baby?? Become a teacher?? That's not Brett, that's the young girl with silly dreams and no idea of the real world. But Brett has no choice.
The book "The life list" is a wonderful story about luck, love, happiness, family and friendship. It is inspiring and makes you think about your own life. What were my dreams when I was a young girl? Is that the life that I was dreaming of?
I read the day in just a couple of days, I couldn't stop reading. As soon as I finished the book, I handed it over to a friend and she just told me that she had the same. So if you start page one, you can't stop until you reach the end. Just let me tell you that!
Now, I'm a little sad that the book is over. Do you know that feeling when you read a book for days, you're getting a part of the story, you suffer with the characters and then - it's just finished!! That's not fair! After finishing a book, I always need a little break. It's like after a breaking-up, I don't feel like having a new relationship right away.
Okay, now I'm curious what you think about the book. Did you already read it? Did you like it or hate it? If you didn't read it so far, what are you doing here? Go to the shop right now, do get that wonderful book! :) Can you think of any book that is similar to this one? Let me know about that! For me they are a little similar to the Cecelia Ahern books.
Have a wonderful week!
3 Kommentare:
Suuuper Bericht über ein suuuper Buch! :-)
Danke viiiil mol Sarah!!:)
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