The english version is below!
Gesagt, getan - letzten Montag startet also meine Challenge. Völlig unvorbereitet, musste ich erst einmal richtig einkaufen. Früchte, Gemüse, Currypaste, Kokosnussmilch und Mandelmilch sollten neu in den Kühlschrank einziehen.
Frühstück: Zum Frühstück gab es eigentlich immer Oatmeal mit Früchten. Oatmeal einfach mit Wasser anstatt Milch aufkochen, schmeckt fast gleich. Bei den Früchten variieren, damit man ein wenig Schwung auf den Tisch bringt;) Dazu habe ich oft Feigen und Datteln gegessen und Mandelmilch und Grüntee getrunken.
Mittagessen/Abendessen: Mittags und abends gab es oft Reis mit Gemüse oder Pasta, die natürlich vegan war. Bei den Saucen habe ich immer ein wenig ausprobiert, was gerade an Gewürzen und Saucen im Haus war.
Snacks: Natürlich wurde auch gesnackt, aber immer sehr gesund. Früchte oder Gemüse. Zwischen Fruhstück und Mittagessen gab es immer einen Smoothie, um den Hunger zu stillen. Ich liebe ja Smoothies, also gar kein Problem. Auf meinen Cappuccino wollte ich aber doch nicht ganz verzichten, deshalb habe ich die Soylatte bei Starbucks probiert. Sauteuer, aber war gar nicht so schlecht.
Was waren die Schwierigkeiten? Lebensmittel zu finden, die keine tierischen Inhaltstoffe haben. Unglaublich, aber wahr. Spontanes Auswärtsessen oder kleine Snacks im Laden einkaufen, erwiesen sich als fast unmöglich. Am Schlimmsten war es am Wochenende in den Pubs! Am ersten Abend habe ich nur Pommes gegessen, am zweiten Abend musste ich einfach was grosseres Essen und hab dann doch zu was "tierischem" gegriffen - Lobster Suppe (Wenn schon, denn schon:)) Ansonsten bin ich meiner Challenge treu geblieben *Schulterklopf*
Wie wars? Unglaublich schwierig, dass muss ich zugeben. Spontanes Essen gab es nicht, alles musste geplant werden. Das bringt mich aber gleich zu den positiven Punkten. Durch das zwangsläufige Planen isst man viel bewusster und macht sich aktiv Gedanken darüber, was man isst. Wenn ich morgens aufstand, musste mein ganzer Tag essenstechnisch geplant werden. Klingt schrecklich, war es manchmal auch, aber abends habe ich immer stolz zurückgeblickt und mein Korper fühlte sich wirklich gut an. Wenn ich morgens das Haus verliess, war meine Tasche voll mit Früchten, Smoothie und meinem Mittagessen. Natürlich habe ich die Schokolade am Nachmittag und das Joghurt zum Frühstück vermisst, aber es geht auch wirklich mal ohne.
Abschliessend kann ich sagen, dass ich stolz bin, dass ich diese Challenge durchgezogen habe. Mein Bewusstsein wurde gestärkt und meine Ansichten zu Veganern haben sich doch ein wenig verändert. Ich kann es immer noch nicht ganz verstehen, wieso man ganz auf tierische Produkte verzichtet. Allerdings ist das Körpergefühl bei einer veganen Ernährungsweise doch besser.
Auf die Pizza und das Glace habe ich mich trotzdem riesig gefreut!!!;)
Imagine a big steak, a creamy sauce with some mashed potatoes or some fries by the side. Delicious, isn't it? As a big lover of meat and milk products, I had a really strong opinion about vegans. How can you do that to yourself? Life must be so complicated as a vegan.
But how did mum teach us? Don't judge about something you don't know. That's why I decided to live one week as a vegan. Part of the challenge was to learn about new dishes, new food and drinks, get aware of what I'm eating and just reach more acceptance for vegans.
Honestly I wasn't that prepared, so the first two days I did a lot of grocery shopping. I bought blueberries, strawberries, bananas, avocados, spinach, red pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes, curry paste, coconut milk and almond milk. After that I was ready.
Breakfast: For breakfast, I always eat oatmeal (mix it with water, sounds disgusting, but it's almost the same) with fruits. Always different ones to bring some excitement on my plate:) Besides that, I had some figgs or datts, a glas of almond milk and green tea. I have to admit that I really like that kind of breakfast and I will probably go on with that.
Lunch/Dinner: For lunch and dinner I always had rice or pasta (of course, vegan pasta) with vegetables. Once I made a curry, sometimes I was trying some new sauces like Avocado-Lime sauce. Sushi was also an option, just without the fish!
Snacks: During the morning I was always drinking Smoothies to avoid hunger before lunch. In the afternoon I was eating fruits. One thing that I wanna try is cucumber chips but I didn't have the time so far. I also tried Soylatte because I missed my cappuccino so badly. And I have to admit it was good!!
What was the difficulty? Finding dishes without any milk products. Believe it or not, but so many things we eat contain animal products. It's pretty hard to eat outside or take away. Especially during the weekend when we spend the evening in a pub eating and drinking, it was almost impossible. The first night, I just had fries, the second night (saturday) I skipped on my challenge and ate a lopster soup. That was the only time I was cheating, the rest of the week, I stayed strong (tschaaakaaa:))
How was it? Pretty hard - I have to admit that. Spontaneously eating or passing by a store for a snack was almost impossible. But that brings me to the positive aspect of the whole challenge. You get really aware of what you are eating. I was getting up in the morning and I planned my whole day. That sounds annoying and sometimes it was, but at the end of the day I felt pretty good because I never ate something "bad". No chunk food, no chocolate, no cappuccino. So when I left in the morning, my bag was packed - a smoothie, a banana and my lunch. That's it, I didn't eat anything else. Of course, I was starving for chocolate in the afternoon and sometimes I just wished to eat a yogurt for breakfast. During the weekend my challenge was pretty annoying because on the weekend I want to enjoy some good meals, a burger at the pub or a baileys:)
In the end, I have to say that it was really a good challenge and that I'm really proud that I made it. I will definitely try to go on with some of the habits and I still have some vegan recipe that I want to try. Mission accomplished!
That's how I look liked when the challenge was over. Honestly I was expecting to enjoy the pizza and the ice cream a little more because I was waiting for that the whole week:)
Imagine a big steak, a creamy sauce with some mashed potatoes or some fries by the side. Delicious, isn't it? As a big lover of meat and milk products, I had a really strong opinion about vegans. How can you do that to yourself? Life must be so complicated as a vegan.
But how did mum teach us? Don't judge about something you don't know. That's why I decided to live one week as a vegan. Part of the challenge was to learn about new dishes, new food and drinks, get aware of what I'm eating and just reach more acceptance for vegans.
Honestly I wasn't that prepared, so the first two days I did a lot of grocery shopping. I bought blueberries, strawberries, bananas, avocados, spinach, red pepper, cucumbers, tomatoes, curry paste, coconut milk and almond milk. After that I was ready.
Breakfast: For breakfast, I always eat oatmeal (mix it with water, sounds disgusting, but it's almost the same) with fruits. Always different ones to bring some excitement on my plate:) Besides that, I had some figgs or datts, a glas of almond milk and green tea. I have to admit that I really like that kind of breakfast and I will probably go on with that.
Lunch/Dinner: For lunch and dinner I always had rice or pasta (of course, vegan pasta) with vegetables. Once I made a curry, sometimes I was trying some new sauces like Avocado-Lime sauce. Sushi was also an option, just without the fish!
Snacks: During the morning I was always drinking Smoothies to avoid hunger before lunch. In the afternoon I was eating fruits. One thing that I wanna try is cucumber chips but I didn't have the time so far. I also tried Soylatte because I missed my cappuccino so badly. And I have to admit it was good!!
What was the difficulty? Finding dishes without any milk products. Believe it or not, but so many things we eat contain animal products. It's pretty hard to eat outside or take away. Especially during the weekend when we spend the evening in a pub eating and drinking, it was almost impossible. The first night, I just had fries, the second night (saturday) I skipped on my challenge and ate a lopster soup. That was the only time I was cheating, the rest of the week, I stayed strong (tschaaakaaa:))
How was it? Pretty hard - I have to admit that. Spontaneously eating or passing by a store for a snack was almost impossible. But that brings me to the positive aspect of the whole challenge. You get really aware of what you are eating. I was getting up in the morning and I planned my whole day. That sounds annoying and sometimes it was, but at the end of the day I felt pretty good because I never ate something "bad". No chunk food, no chocolate, no cappuccino. So when I left in the morning, my bag was packed - a smoothie, a banana and my lunch. That's it, I didn't eat anything else. Of course, I was starving for chocolate in the afternoon and sometimes I just wished to eat a yogurt for breakfast. During the weekend my challenge was pretty annoying because on the weekend I want to enjoy some good meals, a burger at the pub or a baileys:)
In the end, I have to say that it was really a good challenge and that I'm really proud that I made it. I will definitely try to go on with some of the habits and I still have some vegan recipe that I want to try. Mission accomplished!
That's how I look liked when the challenge was over. Honestly I was expecting to enjoy the pizza and the ice cream a little more because I was waiting for that the whole week:)
1 Kommentar:
glatti bohne bisch
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